
Projects that utilize both digital and physical design and creation! This includes projects that used programs such as Illustrator and Blender, and utilized machines such as a vinyl cutter, a laser cutter, and 3D printers!

  • Knight of the Pen

    This was my first 3D print project for my Digital 3D class, where I utilized Blender to create and pose my model, and printed it using an Ultimaker 2. I initially made the model in a T-pose, so that I could later add a skeleton rig and pose it. This method was very helpful as…

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  • Frog’s Glowshroom

    The final project for the Digital 3D class. I decided to create a 3D printed mushroom decorated with little frog figures. During the design process, I decided to also make the mushroom a lamp that would create this magical and whimsical feel when it lights up. I modeled the mushroom base, stem, and cap, along…

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  • Lily Stand for Stone Frogs

    Another project from Expanded Media 1, where I was assigned to make a functional wooden structure made to hold something. I chose to make a small display stand for my rock frogs that resembled a lily pad, with some creative liberties. This was done by creating paths on Adobe Illustrator that were sent to a laser…

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  • Cat Vinyl Intervention

    My project for my Art 284 class, Expanded Media 1, where I was assigned to use a vinyl cutter to create an art installation utilizing the environment around it. In Illustrator, I drew paths for the vinyl cutter to follow. Since the vinyl cutter can only cut on one colored vinyl at a time, I had…

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